

  • Name: Eryka
  • Surname: Couture
  • Location: Valencia, CA
  • About Me: Hi everyone! I'm Eryka, and I am so glad to have you exploring the wonderful world of fashion and beauty with me. Although fashion has always been a big part of my life, all kinds of circumstances have brought me to this place. When I graduated from high school, I was intent on becoming a fashion designer, and even held a fashion show to launch a line of dresses I designed called "ERA Amor". I have to admit, that's where I first got the "bug" and I couldn't stop thinking of new ways to create designs and outfits. The next year I went to college in Los Angeles and graduated with a BA in Business Management. While I was in college, I married the most wonderful, loving man in the world. Sure, we were young, but I never regret the moments we've shared, even the tough things that most people don't have to face at that young of an age. I loved going to college because it opened up my mind to all new possibilities and types of people. Slowly I started to come back to my love for design and fashion, and now I have finally started this blog, something I have wanted to do for a long time! Consider it my private diary to you of all the secrets and tips that will give you confidence in what you wear. Sometimes when everything else isn't going right, you can still feel confident in who you are and the beauty that's inside. That's what I want to give you, and your grace and beauty are what inspire me to keep doing this! So enjoy everything on this site, because really, it's way too much fun not to!
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