

  • Name: Robert
  • Surname: Emmett
  • Location: chicago
  • About Me: Robert Emmett creates odd but familiar worlds and fills them with a bizarre cast of characters attempting the impossible. His stories come from the fringes of reality, sometimes evoking a dreamlike feeling, other times a sharply focused reflection of the world around us-- hilarious and spooky, absurd and authentic. He calls his work fairy tales for the Internet age, bedtime stories for weird children and the adults they grow up to become. His first book, 'Meowing on the Answering Machine,' a collection of short fiction and prose, launched in January 2014. The book features forty-two works spanning twenty years; a wide selection of the different styles and themes employed by the author; a healthy portion of original and humorous tales, as well as some efforts which explore the darker, stranger aspects of his Universe, and a few attempts at more experimental story-telling. Robert has spent most of his time around Chicago, making strange art and playing in loud experimental rock bands. When asked what he wishes to achieve, he says "I want to be able to write in the way Salvador Dali could paint."
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