- Name: Johnson
- Surname: Anand Saurabh
- Location: Rishikesh, India
- About Me: In India, Johnson was bestowed the spiritual name Anand Saurabh (fragrance of bliss) by one of his spiritual teachers, Swami Amitanand. On his return home to NYC, Johnson formed the acronym Johnson Anand Saurabh as Jas (pronounced Joss), and created Jasananda as the vehicle in which he transmits all the teachings of of his teachers.
As a variant of the name John, Jas is a male or female name, used in Hindi, Hebrew, Persian and Polish, meaning god is gracious. In the Sikh tradition, Jas also means glories or praises. Anand in Sanskrit is eternal happiness or bliss. Jasananda was created in the hopes of spreading the way of existing happily and blissfully through the integrated teachings of yoga for the modern day seeker.
Johnson is the director of Studio Anya in New York and an accomplished bodyworker and yogi holding several certifications: 200 hr Vinyasa Yoga, Joschi Yoga Institute (NY, NY), 500 hr Akhanda Yoga (Hatha-Raja, Classical Kundalini, Pranayama Meditation) with Yogirishi Vishvketu (Rishikesh, India)and over 1000 hours of additional training and continued lifelong training with his teacher Courtney Bauer in ANYA (A.pplied N.eo Y.ogic A.wareness), a philosophy of movement that is a multi-disciplinary integration of Yoga/Pilates, Thai Bodywork and Reiki in which he is trained to teach Anya in Yoga, Pilates Mat and Apparatus. Johnson is also an advanced Thai Massage Practitioner (Lotus Palm Thai Massage School & ANYA Thai Bodywork), Master Reiki Practitioner (Traditional Usui System, Shantih Mai & Manipura-Swadhistana Master Initiation, Swami Amitanand). He has also studied Ayurvedic wellness and Ayurvedic massage therapy in India at the Nirvana Clinic with Dr. Usha Vaishava. He is in a constant pursuit to broaden the scope of ancient physical and spiritual knowledge for the modern day seeker… to demystify the mystical. The physical practice of yoga asana and pranayama is like a spiritual road map in guiding one to unlock the blockages that prevent a joyful and more fulfilled way of being. His classes will move you and shake you, all the while, softening you into your highest potential no matter how far along the path you are. As a devotee of spirituality, with a strong background in physical and subtle anatomies, mixed with a dash of fun and smiles are all infallible ingredients for a multi-dimensional experience of what you already know and what you will come to know.
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