- Name: Karina
- Surname: Porushkevich
- Location: Los Angeles, CA
- About Me: Karina Porushkevich is an established business strategist and serial business entrepreneur within the local business community and she is one who constantly is either working creating, curating, studying,learning or looking for new ways to advance and develop both professionally and in general. Karina continually strives to learn in all areas of life so that she can advance her educational diplomas and her professional certifications in real estate along with maintaining her well-rounded attributes. Freedom of expression and thought does not label one as a "blogger" automatically nor do I have aspirations becoming a "blogger". I find myself scouring the internet black-hole searching for answers and information on important business top/2ics / questions useful or possibly will be useful within my business ventures so I post it here because otherwise I would feel as though I'm cheating not sharing it with the rest of you. I know there's so many effin blogs out there right now but I find myself searching for hours , days, even weeks to make sure that I have covered that subject's web "paperless trail" so I find that to be one of the reasons you will find my blog posts useful because I don't just post for the sake of posting, I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to anything so unless I am perfectly sure I know everything that there is to know my thirst will remain unquenched.
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