

  • Name: Laura
  • Surname: Gipponi
  • Location: CREMA
  • About Me: My motto is “to feel good every moment, everywhere and with everyone”. I see myself as a dynamic woman. I’ve been working as a consultant in the administrative and bureaucratic field for many years, and I also work in commercial employments. I increased my studies about the science of mind, the quantum physics, the positive thinking, the mental energy and more, even participating to seminaries and writing about my philosophy of life. I would like to share my method with who is interested in finding the way to happiness; to tell how I learned to look at facts and people in my life with different eyes. For the ones who are going to relate with me, I would like them to understand a very important thing: always try to feel better! Situations don’t change, but we can change the way we face them. Feeling better just depends on us.
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