

  • Name: Melodie
  • Surname: Noble
  • Location: Dallas, TX
  • About Me: Received Minister License May 2012 from CFN Fellowship of Ministers and Churches. Graduated from CFNI School of Global Missions in 2008. Graduated from CFNI two year Theology Program in 2007. Currently I coordinate the Literature For TheNations Department at Christ For The Nations inc. since the fall of 2007 (in 2010 began as full time staff). Moving from USA to France in October 2012. Christ Pour Les Nations Paris will begin January 2013!!! Connected with many ministries and missionaries in France throughout the years and directly traveled on specific missions to France - most recently in 2010, and 2011. As a Missionary Pastor the Lord has prepared me to equip and mobilize the Paris region with the body of Christ to impact the nations in the 10/40 window. Born and raised in France for 8 years, 10 years in Argentina, and now 20 years in the USA, I have a calling to mobilize fired-up Christians to reach the nations with the truth and freedom of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Have been to 22 countries, and ministered in many mission trips through evangelism outreaches - leading children's program, worship leading, interpreting, construction, and assisting dentists and doctors. I love blessing people in churches, prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, concerts, or wherever I am given the opportunity to share my love for Jesus. I spek English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. THERE ARE MANY THINGS GOD HAS SET ME FREE FROM AND MY TESTIMONY OF THE MANY MIRACLES DECLARES TO THE AGNOSTIC AND HOPELESS, THAT GOD IS A CALL AWAY FROM A PRAYER OF FAITH AND HE CAN SAVE US WITH HIS LOVING, MIRACLE WORKING HAND. HE LONGS FOR US TO SEEK HIS FACE THOUGH... ...NOT JUST HIS HAND. BE RENEWED AS YOU TRUST IN HIM
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