- Name: Nazia
- Surname: Malik
- Location: Rawalpindi, PAKISTAN
- About Me: I am a teacher for two reasons. First, I enjoy being around age students, It keeps me young and I enjoy trying to help them get their start in life. Second, I think I am good at gathering information and passing it on to students in a way that will interest them (some of them, some of the time, of course). Both of these reasons are vital to me. I would not want to be a teacher if I didn't think I was good at gathering and passing on information. I would feel that I was not doing a good enough job (which I already feel whenever a lesson goes badly). I would lose confidence and would not want to keep trying., But what really makes me positively want to be a teacher is the students. I prize, the students who are still in touch with me 10 or more years after they've graduated. I prize the times when they say that having me as a teacher helped them. Those are the things that really make teaching worthwhile. It is the best feeling to know that you have done something to help a young person have a better chance at success in life.
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