

  • Name: Stacey
  • Surname: McKay
  • Location: Houston, TX
  • About Me: I love having fun, but when I need to be serious that can be accomplished. I am am Independent Contractor (Retail Reset Merchandising). On what this site is about: Mainly allowing for expression of life's UP's and Down's, ways on making it pass the stage of just surviving. Believing in something else other than yourself. Appreciation of true friendship, love and the fact that I've lived to see many more days, when some are not so fortunate. I love what I do, as an Independent Merchandising Contractor, I impact how people shop, eat, and live basically. We've all seen a merchandiser from time to time and never realized it, we are the people you see when you go to Walmart, Walgreens, and supermarket or big bucks store readjusting shelves, relabeling products, introducing new one's all on a daily and monthly basis. My goal for this site is to bring people together and get them talking about things they love, things they dislike as well as things they would love to try in their lifetime, opening up about #food, #love, #religion #insights #experiences, #relationships, #family, to name a few. With my para military and law enforcement training "Not knowing is not an option." SO, STOP BYE, DON'T JUST BROWSE, SHOP, CHAT, REFER AND BLOG about it. Grab your favorite coffee, latte, tea or a bottle of Perrier and #blogaboutit. #allopinionscount #openminded #liferocks #adultconvo #beenthroughitall
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