

  • Name: Suspekt
  • Surname: Carolina
  • Location: South Carolina, USA
  • About Me: Born in Tennessee, Suspekt was born to a single mother. At the age of 8 his family made the move to SC. But before that faithful move to South Carolina Suspekt and his family bounced around in the South East from Florida and then to Georgia. As you could imagine Suspekt’s past was rough and was far from the quintessential white picket fence upbringing. Constantly on the go with his family he was unable to say he had a perpetual place to call home. Suspekt was raised by a hard working single mother who had to work multiple jobs just to provide. As you could guess money was often low so finding a descent place to lay his head at night wasn’t always the easiest. Sleeping in cars and motels was often the only choice he and his family had. Finally, settling into the small town of Easley Suspekt found it easier to create friendships with local neighborhood kids. He hung out around local areas throughout the day and night lacking supervision. Hanging around in the streets rapidly led to his rebellious behaviors like larceny, fighting, and staying out all night long without consequence. As time went by his rebellious acts became routine, trouble then became his “middle name”. In the fifth grade his acts of rebellion activity finally caught up to him as he got his first taste of the law. Being that he was in the streets it was expected for him to be around the use of weapons. From then on he was on the fast track to trouble. With more frequent run-ins with the law he added more pressure on himself and family. Looking for an outlet to relieve stress Suspekt found fighting to help with his stress, but fighting became his oxymoron; it relieved his stress then in-turn caused him stress. In an attempt to get him on the right path Suspekt was placed in an alternative school. Suspekt spent majority of his adolescent years in and out of trouble including jail time. While incarcerated Suspekt received his high school diploma and continued to write music as a way to express his realities. Since Suspekt was fifteen he knew what he wanted to pursue in life. In the beginning it was basketball but after so long music surpassed sported and became his main goal. Music was his way of releasing his anguish, emotional states, and life experiences; through sports he was unable to release off his heart. Through the trials and tribulations in Suspeket’s life, music was his outlet when there was nothing else. In his life time Suspekt has been faced with difficult situations that forced him to quickly leave childhood and dive directly into adulthood. Through it all he has never let any of his trials hold him back from his true goal in life, music. Suspekt strives to be the best artist he can, so he can represent his city, fan base, and state the correct way.
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