- Name: Katti
- Surname: Gray
- Location: Brooklyn & Monticello, New York
- About Me: I'm a native Arkansan, which informs my worldview, my journalism and my scratching through this Great Recession as resident of New York, where, to borrow a phrase, "the rent is too damn high."
As a prize-winning veteran reporter and writer, I've covered hard news and soft: Presidential hopefuls; statehouse lawmakers; hometown heroes; time-honored and pop celebrities; floundering schools in Appalachia; New Feminism’s younger adherents; juveniles on death row; the fight for running water on an outlying Mississippi road. I cut my journalistic teeth at three daily newspapers but, since late 2005, have been a full-time freelancer on assignment for an assortment of national and regional magazines, newspapers and online news organizations. They include Newsday (my last full-time employer), Essence, Diverse Issues In Higher Education, SHRM.org, DailyYonder.com, TheRoot,com, TheGrio.com, Raleigh News & Observers and others. My work also has been published by, among others, Ms., The Crisis, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, New Orleans Times-Picayune, Toronto Star, Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel and Vibe. I'm a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, National Association of Black Journalists and Emmanuel Baptist Church in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. On Facebook, I'm moderate a group of my fairly dispersed classmates from Parkview High in Little Rock and am a fan of the Displace Journalists group. A sporadic Tweeter, I'm also LinkedIn.
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