Maniac Butcher - Maniac Butcher


Review by Jimmy theSuperstar

Maniac Butcher – Maniac Butcher Genre: Rock (Black Metal, Death Metal) Released: 2019 | Country: Czech Republic | Label: Arges Records Alright, buckle up, because this album is like a blood-soaked battle axe to the face. Maniac Butcher doesn’t mess around—they come at you hard, fast, and unrelenting with their self-titled beast of an album. If you’re looking for something soft or radio-friendly, go listen to some pop crap elsewhere. This isn’t it. What we’ve got here is raw aggression wrapped in layers of blackened riffs and guttural growls that feel like they were ripped straight from the depths of hell itself. The first track I gotta shout out is “Žatecký Hrad = Castle Of Saaz.” Damn, this one hits harder than a warhammer to the skull. From the opening notes, Vlad Blasphemer’s guitar work just shreds through everything in its path, while Michael Dedecksson’s drumming sounds like cannons firing off left and right. The vocals? Brutal. Rüd Borglund absolutely loses his mind on this track, spitting venomous growls that sound like he’s summoning demons mid-slaughter. It’s not just noise though—it’s calculated chaos, each riff pounding into your brain until you can’t tell where the music ends and your pulse begins. Every time I hear this song, I imagine myself storming a medieval fortress under a hail of arrows and fireballs. Yeah, it’s THAT intense. Another standout has to be “Metal From Hell.” Holy crap, this tune feels like Satan himself decided to jam with the band for a bit. The basslines courtesy of Brady and Jorg rumble beneath the surface like earthquakes threatening to swallow cities whole. And those lyrics? Barbarud didn’t write poetry here—they wrote a declaration of war against false gods and weaklings. Lines like “Smrt Nepravým” (“Death To False Ones”) hit so hard they might as well be tattooed onto your soul after hearing them once. There’s no mercy in this track; it’s pure, unfiltered hatred channeled into six minutes of auditory carnage. You’ll wanna headbang so hard you risk whiplash—but hey, isn’t that what metal’s all about? What really makes this album stand out isn’t just the musicianship (though holy hell, these guys are tight), but how chaotic yet deliberate every element feels. Tracks like “Půlnoční Říše = Midnight Empire” blend haunting atmospheres with relentless brutality, creating moments that stick with you long after the final note fades. Plus, props to Barbarud for handling damn near everything—lyrics, layout, design, even painting! Dude’s clearly got more talents than most bands combined. Now, let me leave you with this: listening to Maniac Butcher feels less like enjoying an album and more like surviving a massacre. It’s ugly, violent, and completely unhinged—but goddamn, it’s addictive. If you’re into blackened death metal that punches you in the throat and leaves you gasping for air, this is your fix. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you when your neighbors start complaining about the noise. And honestly? After blasting this album on repeat, I started questioning if maybe... just maybe... there is a Midnight Empire waiting for us all. Fucked up thought, huh?

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Artist: Maniac Butcher
Album: Maniac Butcher
Rating: 5.0

Table of Contents


  • MP3 size: 523.6 mb
  • FLAC size: 3304.8 mb


Zrada = Treachery
Oči Oběti = Eyes Of The Victim
Lůza Okolní...
Myšlenky Krvelačné, I Jiné Potřebnosti Všeliké, Pro Zdárný Průběh Bitvy Výhodné
Poslední Bitva = The Last Battle
Úpis Bohu
Lučané = Lučans
Masakr Krvavý Pro Plnění Zájmůch Vyšších I Řezničení Nadbytečné Pro Kojení Pudůch Nízkých
Církevní Vraždy I.
Řemeslo Válečné, To Jest Mi Chlebem Všedním I Taktéž Kratochvílí Sváteční
Metal From Hell
Poslední Varování = The Last Warning
Bitva Rozhodujici V Krvi Ouspěšně Vybojována Jest, A Tim I Toto Taženi Vojnové Zakončeni Zdárného Dosahuje
Soudný Den = The Judgement Day
Píseň Černých Vran = A Song Of Black Ravens
Šílený Řezník...
Nesmrtelna Smrt = Immortal Death
Invaze Všeničící, Přinášející Slávu Nehynoucí Vítězům I Smrt Nezvratnou Poraženým
Boj Církve S Vírou =
Procitnutí V Smrti
Bezbožné Rouhání Zpovědní Před Tažení Vojnového Započetím
Žatecký Hrad = Castle Of Saaz
Desatero Krutých Zim Přežitých V Teple Žhnoucí Záře Slávy Minulé
Rada Užitečná, Kterak Stáří Dožíti, A Taktéž Doporučení Vhodné Pro život A Přežití
Žíznění Po Krvi, Však Všeobecně Známému Vampyrismu Ne Zcela Podobné
Jáma Pekel
Svatý Otec = Holy Father
Všehomír Veškerý, Říší Smrti I Polem Bitevním Od Samých Věkůch Počátkůch
Jedenáctý Klíč = The Eleventh Key
Peklo = Hell
Půlnoční Říše (Bonus)
Ježíš Kristus
Ve Stinu Hor Krušných, Na Březich Řeky Oharky, V Krají V Tom, Nechť Po Tří Dny Následujici Medovína Proudem Prolévána Jest V Oslavu Našeho Vitězstvi Slavného
Zkušenost Í Naučeni Záverečné, Výhodné K Dojíti Uplatněni Přede Všemí U Králůch, Vladařůch, Vojvodůch Í Druhých Panovnikůch Všelíkerých
Lučane = Lučans
Rozhodnutí Nezvratné Všecken Mír Rozhodně Rozvracející
Smrt Nepravým = Death To False Ones
Církevní Vraždy II.
Běsnění Bitevní Právě Počíná, Neb V Tomto Okamžení Hodina Půlnoční Odbývá
Píseň Černých Vran
Dva Tisíce Let (Unreleased Bonus)
Co Dobré Pro Mne, Dobrým Jest - Toť Pravidlem Neměnným Provázejic Konáni Mé Žívotem Mým Povšechným
Značni Mordové Se Ději Lidu Žebravému V Krají Žateckém, Nebolíčto Jednomu Kazdému Státi Se Tak, Nehyhnutelným Zdá Se Být
Půlnočni Říše = Midnight Empire
Přání Nezvyklé Až Prapodivné, Jehož Naplněním Následkůch Neobvyklých Lze Docíliti
Lůza Okolní, Chátra Všeobecná, Jakož I Veškerá Chamraď Nepotřebná
Projížďka Hvozdem Hlubokým Za Oučelem Sčítání Stavůch Vlkůch A Vlkodlakůch
Bídná Smrt Neslavná Či Sláva Nesmrtelná, Volba Toť Jest Veskrze Jednoznačná
Svatá Válka
Šílený Řezník, Rovněž Znám Jako Maniac Butcher V Jazyce Englickém
Mesiášův Konec = The End Of Messiah
Víra V Boha = Belief In God
Desatero = Ten Commandments
Mesiášův Konec...
Dva Tisíce Let = Twenty Centuries
Půlnoční Říše
Zakončení Ouděsné Bezpočtům Krutou Jistotu Slibující, Však Mne Bezpočet Slibných Nejistot Skýtající
Druhé Stvoření = Sesond Creation
Půlnoční Říše = Midnight Empire
Vládce Modré Oblohy = Emperor Of Blue Sky
Věčnost I Nesmrtelnost, Způsobeny Prolitím I Následným Požitím Značného Množství Lidské Krve
Šíření Víry


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Arges Records

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  • Box Set
  • Compilation
  • Limited Edition
  • Numbered 4 × Cassette 7 × Cassette
  • Album Cassette
  • EP


Recorded AtRock Club DMD
Mixed AtNhaavah-Sound


BassBrady (tracks: U1 to V6), Jorg (tracks: C1 to D666)
CoverBarbarud (tracks: G1 to H3, S-I to T-IIIII)
DesignBarbarüd (tracks: E1 to F3)
DrumsMichael Dedecksson (tracks: A1 to B4), Michael (tracks: C1 to D666, E1 to F3, K1 to L7), Michal (tracks: G1 to H3)
GuitarLord Uncleans (tracks: K1 to L7), Pán Nečistých (tracks: G1 to H3), Vlad Blasphemer (tracks: E1 to F3, K1 to L7), Vlad Rouhač (tracks: G1 to H3)
LayoutBarbarud (tracks: U1 to V6)
Lyrics ByBarbarud (tracks: C1 to D666, G1 to H3, M1 to N666, S-I to T-IIIII, U1 to V6), Barbarüd (tracks: I-I to J-VI)
VocalsRüd Borglund (tracks: A1 to B4)
Music ByBlasphemer (tracks: C1 to D666, M1 to N666, S-I to T-IIIII, U1 to V6), Vlad (tracks: I-I to J-VI)
PaintingQuorthon (tracks: U1 to V6)
ProducerBarbarüd (tracks: E1 to F3, I-I to J-VI), Barbarud (tracks: G1 to H3, M1 to N666), Maniac Butcher (tracks: S-I to T-IIIII), Vlad (tracks: E1 to F3, G1 to H3, I-I to J-VI), Blasphemer (tracks: M1 to N666)
Recorded ByCoroner (tracks: U1 to V6)
SoundsManiac Butcher (tracks: A1 to B4)
TechnicianDarkman (tracks: K1 to L7), Leviathan (tracks: K1 to L7)
Vocals [SummoningBarbarüd Hrom (tracks: E1 to F3)
Blasphemies]Barbarüd Hrom (tracks: E1 to F3)


  • Limited to 22 numbered copies.
  • The complete Maniac Butcher Discography on twelve tapes, housed in a heavy 2mm black cardstock box with embossed silver logo print.
  • The box includes two inserts printed on rough paper, three stickers and a rubber logo patch.
  • "Immortal Death"
  • Black cassette shell with identical sticker on both sides.
  • Professionally printed, glossy, 4-panel foldout J-card.
  • Recorded in DMD-club, Litvínov, 30.06.93.
  • "The Incapable Carrion"
  • Professionally printed, double-sided, glossy, 5-panel foldout J-card.
  • Recorded in Summer 1994.
  • The tracks are listed sequentially on the J-card.
  • "Barbarians"
  • Professionally printed, double-sided, glossy, 7-panel foldout J-card.
  • Recorded in Benas Studio in June '95.
  • "Lučan - Antikrist"
  • Professionally printed, double-sided, glossy, 3-panel foldout J-card.
  • Recorded in Benas in Summer '96.
  • "Krvestřeb"
  • Professionally printed, double-sided, glossy, 4-panel foldout J-card.
  • Recorded in Benas-Sound in July '97.
  • The tracks are listed sequentially with Roman numerals on the J-card.
  • "Live In Annaberg"
  • Recorded live at Chicago Club, Annaberg, Germany 22.3.97.
  • Track L7 is a cover of Master's Hammer.
  • "Černá Krev"
  • Music recorded in Benas-sound in August '98, roarrr recorded and mixed in Nhaavah-sound in August '98.
  • "Invaze"
  • Music recorded in Gallery-sound, September '99, roarrr recorded in Nhaavah-sound, September '99.
  • Track P666 is a cover of Assesor.
  • "Live In Open Hell"
  • Professionally printed, glossy, 5-panel foldout J-card.
  • Recorded live at Open Hell Fest, Volyně, Czechia, 17-07-99.
  • Tracks Q1 and Q4 from album "Barbarians" 1995.
  • Tracks Q2 and R666 from album "Lučan - Antikrist" 1996.
  • Tracks Q3 and R5 from album "Černá Krev" 1998.
  • Track R6 from album "Krvestřeb" 1997.
  • "Epitaph"
  • Music recorded in Hell-Sound in July '00.
  • Roarrr recorded in Nhaavah-Sound in August '00.
  • The tracks are listed from I to IIIII on the J-card.
  • "Masakr"
  • Hammer recorded in Aquarium, March 2010.
  • Saw recorded in Bohemian Hell, April 2010
  • Roarrr recorded in Nhaavah, May 2010.
  • "Metal From Hell"
  • "Includes famous arias stolen from symphonies of the following great hordes: Mayhem, Venom, Celtic Frost, Slayer, Sodom, Törr, Master's Hammer."
  • Music recorded in Gallery-sound in June '99.
  • Roarrr recorded in Nhaavah-sound in July '99.
  • The same track repeats on both sides.

About Maniac Butcher

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Czech black metal group founded in 1992 by and . The first live performance occured on the 23rd of December 1992. The debut demo "Immortal Death" was released in 1993, and one year later "The Incapable Carrion" saw the light of the day. In 1995 a split EP with was released, and in November that same year the debut album "Barbarians" was released by . The band performed 15 live gigs that year as well. In 1996, the second album titled "Lucan-Antikrist" was unleashed, with more professional sound but still very raw and brutal. More live shows were performed, mostly in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. The third album "Krvestreb" was released in 1997, followed by "Cerna Krev" in 1998. August 1999 brought the "Proti Vsem" split CD in cooperation with and Inferno. In October of that year the next album "Invaze" was released followed in December 2000 by "Epitaph - The Last Onslaught of Maniac Butcher


  • Vlad Blasphemer
  • Lord Unclean
  • Honza Kapák
  • Michal Dědek
  • Petr Mecák
  • Lord Obst
  • Jorg Vangström
  • Radim Hora

Interesting fact about Album

Here’s a fun fact: The album *Maniac Butcher* by the Czech black and death metal band Maniac Butcher is like a chaotic patchwork of creativity. Released in 2019, it features an absurdly detailed tracklist with over 60 tracks, many of which have cryptic or hilariously specific titles like "Projížďka Hvozdem Hlubokým Za Oučelem Sčítání Stavůch Vlkůch A Vlkodlakůch" (translation: "A Ride Through the Deep Forest for the Purpose of Counting Wolves and Werewolves"). It’s basically the kind of project where you wonder if they were daring each other to keep adding more weirdness. Plus, the credits are wild—multiple people are listed for vocals, drums, and even something called “Summoning - Barbarüd Hrom.” You’d think they were building a spaceship, not making a metal album!