

  • Name: Lewis/Lewie
  • Surname: Moten
  • Location: Front Royal, VA, USA
  • About Me: Lewis Moten is a full stack developer for web, software and mobile applications as well as interacting with new and legacy hardware devices and mainframes. Most of his popularity on the internet is by writing and freely distributing code that allowed websites to support uploading files. He was also known as "Dedric Mauriac" in Second Life building and selling interactive products, primarily attracting educators and corporate librarians. Mr. Moten has a background in Industrial Design Technology through a scholarship at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, and Carpentry at Mineral County Technical School. In his senior year of high school, he was the treasurer of the Future Homemakers of America (FHA) and a member of the Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD). His early career had ranged from being a certified sandwich artist, setting up and tearing down carnival rides, to catching chickens in the middle of the night. Lewie has worked on large financial processing systems, video training systems, and past contracts supporting NASA, USCIS, and the Navy. Lewie is often entertaining himself with various hobbies in his spare time. Some of which are/were 3D modeling & Animation, graphic design, video editing, 3D printing, electrical engineering/robotics, vintage computing (6502/1802/Altair 8800), microcontrollers (Arduino/Raspberry Pi), Lego GBC, artificial neural networks, networking hardware, designing board games, building an arcade system, Minecraft red stone, Second Life scripting, home automation and surveillance, off-grid solar, financial investing, sewing, camping, hiking, painting, obedience and trick dog training, photography, gardening (back-yard and hydroponics), AD&D, singing along out of tune with his dog, and watching videos on the Internet. You'll often find Lewie with his companion, Teddy, the Amazing Corgi, while camping in a little teardrop trailer, or going on little adventures in his 1976 Electric CitiCar.
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