

  • Name: Vincent
  • Surname: Hughes
  • Location: Conwy, North Wales
  • About Me: ~ EIRIANLYS RFM: ROYALTY FREE MUSIC ~ A songwriter who believes that it's not about the Artiste, it's about the Music... I am a writer of themed instrumental songs and I have put together a song package set comprising of instrumental pieces that have a fun and entertaining atmosphere of carnivals and funfairs. These pieces would quite well be ideal for people’s personal projects, home movies, photo slide shows and other personal amateur projects, as well as business projects such as advertisements, websites, and other commercial projects. Inspired by The Beatles, I started a Beat group when I was in school in the late 1960s, and in the ’70s I got into folk music & played in folk clubs, where I met my wife. Having a high-pressure day-job, I did not have much time to play music, however when I went back to writing songs, I managed to collaborate with an Austrian lyricist and had music published by the Warner Chappell music company in Austria. I took early retirement from my day job so I could start to concentrate on making the music that I like - Melodic and Tuneful music, with lots of harmonies, counter-harmonies and variations on a theme. I had no interest in making pop music, as I think it has lost the artistic legacy left by the ’60s boom. Then I discovered that people want music for their websites and social networking sites, like YouTube. With the big music companies clamping down on the violation of their copyrights, I thought my music will be ideal for businesses to use it for their projects and make the music Royalty Free. So Eirianlys RFM (Royalty Free Music) was born, and I have been working on making more music in the styles that I like. The pieces are well-produced and clear recordings of boisterous and happy, catchy tunes that are already showing to be very popular on SoundCloud, where the songs are currently being downloaded and, more recently, purchased for a small fee via the website. Their popularity on SoundCloud has shown that there is clearly a market for these songs, and I believe would prove to be popular both in Europe and Worldwide. With the pieces being Royalty Free Music, this allowes the license to transfer to the purchaser for Commercial Enterprises and “free to broadcast” music for their own commercial use. As I believe in the music and the product, not about the artist, I believe these music sets would have a good place in personal and business use, I have been looking into having these distributed to be sold without PRS fees to pay. As they would work well as background music for shops and offices, in commercial websites, or as fill-in music for radio stations, I believe that they would sell well as Royalty Free Music packages and would help fill a clear gap that is in the current music market for small businesses non-professional multi-media creators and new entrepreneurs. ~ ~ ~ Please also find us on: Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eirianlys-RFM-For-Royalty-Free-Music Blogger ~ http://eirianlys-royaltyfree-music.blogspot.com/ YouTube ~ http://www.youtube.com/user/EIRIANLYS
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