- Name: Juan
- Surname: Romero Jr.
- Location: Baltimore, MD
- About Me: My name is Juan (age 30) born and raised in the DC Metropolitan Area. I LOVE In-Car Entertainment & Web Development!!! In my spare time, I enjoy working on projects geared around car audio/video, fabrication and upholstery. In 2008 I earned a certification as a Mobile Electronic Certified Professional. I also serve on sound ministry at Emmanuel Worship and Deliverance Center as a Pro-Audio Sound Technician. I am a graduate from the Applied Information Technology program at Towson University & currently employed as an Engineer for SHR Group LLC.
That's me!
= = =
A Word on Wisdom =>
"She is more precious than rubies, And all the things you may desire cannot compare with her." Proverbs 3:15
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