- Name: Blasio
- Surname: Namale
- Location: Kose Lane, Nairobi, Kenya
- About Me: Douglas Namale was born in the Western parts of Kenya, came to Nairobi in 2005, seeking a decent job, he landed in Kibera Slum. Together with two other friends, they Co-Founded Kibera Journal, the 1st community newspaper in Kenya, which he managed as the editor for 5 years. Later the Journal changed the name to Mtaani Insight to accommodate other slums across Kenya. He remains the editor to date. He also managed the 1st Kibera Good Festival, a concert that brought together, the youth, local & international artists to discuss local good governance. Led the Map Kibera project in 2009, helped setup map Kibera Trust, and consulted for Map Kibera Trust where he helped develop the most authoritative data of Kibera, Mukuru and Mathare slums to date. Douglas is a Social Entrepreneur, and activist. He is the Team Leader, Ramani Mashinani. He also seats on boards of some local companies such as Brigade Construction Ltd and t-Hub. He is also a Secretary, Soweto Highrise Housing Cooperative Sosiety Ltd. He is also a fixer for German TV, BBC, and several other International media houses. He is also a freelance journalists. He is also a Community media and PGIS consultant.
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