- Name: Nolonger
- Surname: Victims
- About Me: This page is for everybody in the world who has ever suffered from Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking. These abuses are all directly related and yet are sadly ignored by many. It is not just for women and children as men suffer too, in fact they suffer in more silence than women do. But I am tired of nothing been done until we become another statistic. However together we can try and get Governments all over the world to help now before we are headline news. We must be the voices for those who are currently voiceless due to their life of abuse and fear or the stigma attached to reaching out and asking for help. No victim is ever at fault, that fault lies solely at the foot of the Abuser, Trafficker, Predator.
Remember today's children are the adults of our future if we don't protect them from a life of abuse, and do all that we possibly can to ensure they keep their childhood innocence as long as possible, then the future is going to be a very scary and damaged world for all.
Reaching out and Speaking out for all victims is my vocation in life, I will do all that I can whilst I have a breath in me to help to rescue and support all victims of any form of abuse. Nobody is ever excluded and all will be supported and protected from their life of abuse and their abusers.
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