Miðaldamenn - Miðaldamenn


Review by Keith Cash

Miðaldamenn’s Miðaldamenn: A Pop Gem from Iceland That Still Hits Different Man, let me tell ya—this album snuck up on me like a quiet storm. Released back in 2007 by the Icelandic band Miðaldamenn (yeah, they named their debut after themselves, which is kinda bold but also kinda perfect), it's one of those records that feels so personal, you almost feel guilty for listening to it. It’s not flashy or trying too hard; instead, it wraps itself around your soul with its vocal-heavy pop style and just... stays there. The record came out under Sparisjóður Siglufjarðar—a small-town label if I ever heard one—and honestly? That fits perfectly. This isn’t some big-city polished production. It’s raw, heartfelt, and dripping with charm. And when you hear tracks like “Siglufjörður” or “Kysstu Mig,” you can practically smell the crisp Icelandic air. Okay, let’s dive into a couple songs because otherwise this review would just be me gushing about how much I love everything. First off, “Siglufjörður.” Like, wow. If you’ve ever been homesick—or even if you haven’t—you’ll get hit hard by this track. The melody has this haunting simplicity to it, like an old photograph you find tucked away in a drawer. You know, the kind where everyone looks happy but there’s still something bittersweet lurking behind their smiles? That’s what this song does to me. Every time the chorus kicks in, I swear my chest tightens a little. Maybe it’s the way the vocals soar without ever feeling forced, or maybe it’s just because I’m a sucker for anything nostalgic. Either way, it sticks. Then there’s “Kysstu Mig.” Oh man, this one’s got swagger. Not the flashy, over-the-top kind, though—it’s more like the confident stride of someone who knows exactly who they are. There’s this playful edge to the lyrics, like a dare whispered across the room. It’s impossible not to grin while listening to it. Plus, the harmonies? Chef’s kiss. They’re smooth enough to make you melt but sharp enough to keep you hooked. Honestly, I think I’ve listened to this track at least twenty times pretending I’m walking through Reykjavík streets like some indie film protagonist. And then we’ve got weird little surprises sprinkled throughout, like “Dísir Vorsins” showing up twice—once as a full-on vocal piece and again as an instrumental version. It’s like the band wanted to give us two sides of the same coin, and honestly? Respect. Or take “Laugardagspolki,” which is basically begging to be played at a cozy house party where everyone ends up dancing awkwardly but loving every second of it. But here’s the thing: listening to Miðaldamenn feels less like hearing an album and more like flipping through someone’s diary. These aren’t just songs—they’re snapshots of moments, people, places. By the time you hit “Ofurlítill Friður,” you’re left with this strange mix of calm and longing, like you’ve wandered into a dream you don’t want to leave. So yeah, sure, maybe this isn’t gonna top any global charts anytime soon. But honestly? That’s kinda beautiful. In a world full of shiny, mass-produced music, Miðaldamenn feels like finding a handwritten note tucked inside a library book. It’s imperfect, intimate, and utterly unforgettable. Oh, and fun fact: apparently Monika—the last track—is named after someone real. Makes me wonder who she is and whether she knows she’s immortalized in sound. Weird thought, right?

Download Miðaldamenn - Miðaldamenn
Artist: Miðaldamenn
Album: Miðaldamenn

Table of Contents


Filename: mialdamenn-mialdamenn.zip
  • MP3 size: 65.6 mb
  • FLAC size: 577.6 mb


Dísir Vorsins
Sem Lindin Tær
Ekkert Fæst Gratís
Kalt Er Konulausum
Lítið Leyndarmál
Dísir Vorsins (Instrumental)
Á Æskuleið
Fyrir Mig, Fyrir Þig
Ofurlítill Friður
Kysstu Mig
Viltu Ekki Eiga Mig?


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Sparisjóður Siglufjarðar

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  • Hljómsveitin Miðaldamenn hefur sent frá sér samnefndan geisladisk.
  • Á honum er að finna sextán lög, allir textarnir eru eftir Bjarka Árnason við eigin lög og erlend.
  • Bjarki lést árið 1984 en hann var Siglfirðingur og stofnaði hljómsveitina Miðaldamenn í upphafi áttunda ártugarins og hefur hljómsveitin starfað síðan í ýmsum myndum.
  • Bjarki hefur verið mikill hæfileikamaður því lög hans og textar eru hin ágætustu og það besta við þennan geisladisk.

About Miðaldamenn

Icelandic pop band from Siglufjörður. þorsteinn Sveinsson / Jóhann Sigurðsson, / Örn Arnarsson, / Sturlaugur Kristjánsson, / Guðbrandur Gustafsson / Erla Helga, / Kristín Bjarnadóttir, / Leó R Ólason, / Birgir Ingimarsson, / Guðmundur Ragnarsson / Magnús Guðbrandsson / Bjarki Árnason / --- Bjarki Árnason (fæddur 3. maí 1924, dáinn 15. janúar 1984). Fæddur Þingeyingur, sjálfmenntaður harmonikkuleikari sem spilaði fyrir dansi í sinni heimasveit. Bjarki flutti til Siglufjarðar 1943 og bjó þar síðan. Hann starfaði fyrst að Hóli í Siglufirði, síðar sem byggingarmeistari og kaupmaður. Að Hóli samdi hann meðal annars Dísir vorsins 1943 og Hólasveinabrag, sem urðu fljótt mjög vinsæl og fóru um allt land sem húsgangar án þess þó að vera nokkurntíman hljóðrituð. Bjarki var vinsæll dansspilar á síldarárunum á Siglufirði og spilaði mikið, oftast undir sínu eigin nafni, einn eða með öðrum, svo sem Þórði Kristinssyni, Sæmundi Jónssyni, Guðmundi og Þórhalli Þorlákssonum (Gautar) og fleirum. Hann var þekktur hagyrðingur og liggur eftir hann mikið magn af gamanvísum og lausavísum, margar landskunanr. Um 1963 fer Bjarki að gera texta við ýmis lög fyrir karlakórinn Vísir til dæmis Okkar glaða söngvamál, Siglufjörður (lag og texti) og fleiri. Guðmundur Þorláksson (Gauti) sló svo í gegn með texta Bjarka, Sem lindin tær, við erlent lag. Það er svo í kringum 1970 að þeir félagar Bjarki og Þórður Kristinsson leiða saman hesta sína að nýju, hefja ballspilamennsku og stofna upp úr því hljómsveitina Miðaldamenn ásamt Magnúsi Guðbrandssyni og Sturlaugi Kristjánssyni. Á þeim árum semur Bjarki marga dægurlagatexta við erelend lög svo sem Mónika, Ævisaga, Vilt'ekki eiga mig, Kysstu mig og svo framvegis.

Real Name

    • Miðaldamenn

Interesting fact about Album

Here’s a cool little fact: The Icelandic pop album *Miðaldamenn* by the band Miðaldamenn is like a time capsule of small-town life. Released in 2007, it even includes a track named after Siglufjörður, the tiny fishing village where the band hails from. The album was released under a unique label—Sparisjóður Siglufjarðar, which translates to "The Savings Bank of Siglufjörður." How often do you see a bank double as a record label? It’s quirky, local, and full of charm. Tracks like *Kysstu Mig* and *Fyrir Þig* mix heartfelt lyrics with a vocal pop style that feels both nostalgic and fresh. Definitely an album that gives off cozy Nordic vibes.