Die Wilden Küken Auf Der Alm – A Weirdly Memorable Audiobook Adventure
Alright, let’s get this straight: Die Wilden Küken Auf Der Alm isn’t your typical music album. Nope. It’s more like an audiobook that sneaks into the "Children's" genre but throws in enough quirky storytelling to make you question what’s going on. Released back in 2013 by Oetinger Audio, it’s got all the makings of a German kids’ classic—minus the sugarcoating and with just enough edge to keep adults from falling asleep while driving their kids around.
Directed by Frank Gustavus (whoever he is), narrated by Anne Moll (she’s legit), and produced by Eduardo Garcia (probably overworked), this thing leans hard into its non-music status. The illustrations? Edda Skibbe killed it there—I mean, they’re not part of the audio experience, but hey, good art deserves props. Now, I’ll be honest: most tracks blend together if you’re not paying attention. But two tracks stuck out for me—and not because they were good. They were just... memorable.
First up: “Das Hohe Gras Wiegte Sich Im Lauen Sommerwind.” What kind of title is that? Sounds like someone tried too hard to sound poetic. Anyway, this track hits you with these vivid descriptions of nature or whatever, and suddenly you feel like you're stuck in some mountain meadow watching grass sway forever. Like, come ON. It’s soothing as hell though. I couldn’t stop picturing myself lying there, bored out of my mind yet weirdly calm. You know those moments where nothing happens, but somehow everything feels important? Yeah, that’s this one. Annoyingly relaxing.
Then there’s “Oben Kuschelte Sich Lilli In Ihren Schlafsack.” Oh man, this one annoyed me so much I had to rewind it twice. Not because it was bad, but because it felt way too cozy. Lilli climbing into her sleeping bag sounds simple enough, right? Wrong. Anne Moll reads it like she’s reading bedtime stories to the entire world, and you can practically hear the crickets chirping in the background. It’s almost TOO intimate. Like, why do I care about Lilli’s sleeping arrangements? Yet here we are, invested against our will.
Look, I’m no softie when it comes to audiobooks disguised as albums, but credit where it’s due: Die Wilden Küken Auf Der Alm pulls you in despite itself. Sure, it’s slow at times, and yeah, some parts drag on longer than necessary, but isn’t that kinda life? Full of boring details until BAM—something grabs you unexpectedly.
Here’s the kicker: halfway through listening, I realized I didn’t even have kids. Why was I wasting time on this? And yet… I kept going. Maybe it’s the charm. Or maybe I just needed a break from real life. Either way, hats off to Thomas Schmid for creating something that sticks—even if it sticks in weird ways.
Artist:Thomas Schmid Album: Die Wilden Küken Auf Der Alm
Did you know? The album *Die Wilden Küken Auf Der Alm* by Thomas Schmid is more than just a children's audiobook—it’s like a little journey. Released in 2013 in Germany, it blends storytelling with soundscapes that pull you into its world. Anne Moll’s narration makes you feel like you're right there with Lilli and her friends, exploring the countryside, meeting goats, and uncovering secrets. It’s not just for kids—there’s something magical about how it paints pictures in your mind. Plus, Edda Skibbe’s illustrations add another layer of charm to the experience. Pretty cool, huh?