Various - Cest La Fête À Malataverne


Review by Josh Gunderson

Album Review: C’est La Fête À Malataverne – A Folk Odyssey Straight Outta 1971 Alright, buckle up, folks. We’re diving into C’est La Fête À Malataverne, a groovy little time capsule from 1971 that screams “French folk vibes with a side of worldy goodness.” Released by the mysterious-sounding label Expression Spontanée (say that five times fast), this album is like stumbling upon your grandpa’s record collection and realizing he had way better taste than you ever gave him credit for. First off, let’s talk vibes. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill folk fest. Oh no, it’s got layers—like an onion or maybe one of those fancy French pastries. The genre blend of Folk, World, & Country feels as natural as sipping wine at sunset in Provence. Pierre Toussaint gets a shoutout for the liner notes, but honestly? The real star here is the music itself. Now, onto the tracks. You’ve got classics like Will The Circle Be Unbroken—a tune so timeless it could probably survive a nuclear apocalypse—and then there’s À Ta Santé Nanette, which sounds exactly how raising a glass to someone named Nanette should feel: warm, fuzzy, and slightly tipsy. But if I had to pick two standouts, I’d go with Les Maringouins and Time Machine. Why? Let me break it down for ya. Les Maringouins translates roughly to “the mosquitoes,” and holy smokes, does this track bite (pun absolutely intended). It’s got this hypnotic rhythm that sneaks up on you, kinda like those pesky bugs buzzing around your campfire. By the time you realize what’s happening, you’re swaying along, completely entranced. Is it annoying? Maybe. Is it genius? Absolutely. Then there’s Time Machine. No spoilers, but this song feels less like a DeLorean ride and more like sitting cross-legged on a Persian rug while someone tells you stories about their wild youth. It’s mellow yet oddly gripping, like watching paint dry but wanting to see it finish just because. There’s something comforting about its simplicity—it doesn’t try too hard, and somehow, that makes it unforgettable. Other highlights include Come Back Baby (a soulful plea we can all relate to after one too many bad decisions) and La Plus Bath Des Javas, which might be my new favorite way to describe anything cool ever. Seriously, why don’t we use phrases like “bath des javas” more often? By the end of the album, you’re left wondering: Who were these people? What was Malataverne even celebrating? And most importantly, where can I get some of whatever they were drinking back then? Because clearly, it worked wonders. In conclusion, C’est La Fête À Malataverne isn’t perfect—it’s messy, quirky, and occasionally baffling—but damn if it doesn’t charm the pants off you. Listening to it feels like finding an old photograph tucked inside a dusty book: faded but full of life, telling stories you weren’t around to hear firsthand. So grab yourself a baguette, pour some red wine, and give this gem a spin. Just don’t blame me when you start craving accordion solos during dinner. Final verdict: 8/10. Would pair well with cheese.

Download Various - Cest La Fête À Malataverne
Artist: Various
Album: Cest La Fête À Malataverne

Table of Contents


  • MP3 size: 53.2 mb
  • FLAC size: 614.6 mb


Le Réel Du Pendu
Come Back Baby
Suite De Gervaise
The Shaskeen
I Am A Rambling Boy
La Religion
À Ta Santé Nanette
Time Machine
Boeuf Mode
Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Wont You Come Home
La Plus Bath Des Javas
Les Maringouins




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Catalog Numbers

ES 6


Expression Spontanée

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  • Vinyl
  • LP
  • Album


Printed ByImprimerie JAT, Chatillon


Liner NotesPierre Toussaint


  • B3 : label - I Am A Rambling Boy
  • Cover - I Am A Ravie And A Rambling Boy - correct title would be "I Am A Rake And A Rambling Boy"
  • On label : Collection " Expression Spontanée" N° 6
  • Festival de Malataverne


  • Rights Society: SACEM SDRM SACD SGDL
  • Price Code (Sticker): A
  • Matrix / Runout (Runout A side): ES 006 A
  • Matrix / Runout (Runout B side): ES 006 B

Interesting fact about Album

Did you know? The 1971 French album *Cest La Fête À Malataverne* is a hidden gem in the folk genre. It blends traditional sounds with raw, spontaneous energy. The liner notes by Pierre Toussaint add a personal touch. Tracks like "À Ta Santé Nanette" and "Will The Circle Be Unbroken" showcase a mix of French and global influences. It’s a celebration of culture, storytelling, and music that still resonates today.


J étais a Malataverne, mon 1er festival, j avais 17 ans, 1 an plus tard je prenais la route, il y avais un déjanté qui promenait une corde avec des tas de trucs attachés, en autre mon pantalon vert pomme disparu pendent la nuit..hijihehe
Quelle claque ! J'avais 17 ans, grosse expérience du bonheur. Mescalito veillait sur nous et les grillons jouaient de l'harmonica sur la N7 au retour à Valence..!
Merci pour le partage !
J'en garde un souvenir inoubliable, ce fût trois jours fantastiques et pour ma part le départ d'une belle aventure....
mes 20ans!!
Grand moment d'émotions! Merci d'avoir ranimé une tranche de cette formidable époque.
je crois me souvenir que " Chant du monde " avait sorti 3 / 33T vinyles sur les trois festivals
J'y étais ! J'avais le disque, aussi. Merci pour ces quelques photos et la chanson.
L'escargot en cuir qui servait de billet de l'association Folk-song international de Pierre Toussaint , avec Rizzolo de la MJC de Montélimar à la logistique c'était chouette. Avec les Barricadiers, François Béranger le chien crouton "libérez crouton" et Steve Waring qui réveille tout le monde à 6 heures du matin avec le slogan "ceux qui bandent plus , mangez du sucre!" et le prof de blue des stone ,Alexis Corner , faisant un super concert. Bref plein de bons souvenirs. J'ai raté mon bac cette année pour avoir collé beaucoup d'affiches du festival mais il n'y a pas de regret.
Wahouuuuuuu les souvenirs ! Pons , Lambesc , Malataverne !
je ne connaissais pas MALATAVERNE.....mais grace à Alvilain c'est reparé.....en début 70 Il y a  eu en Isère au Péage de Roussillon un festival POP ROCK FOLK JAZZ J'avais ma caméra super8 est sur Youtube....!
Merci Domaxy,
et du côté amateur, savez-vous si des films ont été tournés, si une association en regrouperait. Par ailleurs, une télé, une radio, même locales, auraient-elles couvert l'événement, même partiellement ?