

  • Name: David
  • Surname: Manuel
  • Location: Portland, Oregon USA
  • About Me: I have been involved with making pictures in one form or another for over 45 years. Yes that means I'm acknowledging the smears and doodles I was doing at age 3 but for me that is where it started. I have always loved making pictures and it is still a passion today. I have, in my time, explored crayons, felt markers, graphite, charcoal, colored pencils, oil paint, acrylic paint, leather, and digital art (both 2D and 3D). I've dabbled in clay, polymer clay, wood carving and watercolor. Some of these explorations have lead to various levels of mastery while others have left me with the continued excitement of more to learn. I have a passion for learning new things and sharing what I've learned. This way of interacting with other people is not entirely unselfish. I've found that for every gem I toss out there, more come back to me and in a variety of ways. It is just a good way to live. I enjoy working on team projects as well as solo projects. I enjoy the leadership roles I have played in the game industry, television commercial production and film. My leadership style is collaborative and hands on as much as time allows. I like to challenge my teams just as I like to challenge myself. I've found that to get the best from people, it is wise to get to know what drives their passion and provide opportunities to feed that part of them within the project.
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