

  • Name: Meghan
  • Surname: Lovett
  • About Me: I am only human. I make mistakes. I'm selfish. I'm self-conscience. I'm naive. But I have a good heart. I can be soft spoken, but I can say too much. I worry over everything, but I will always have your back. I believe in God and heaven but I will never judge you or your beliefs. I believe it is humanities obligation to help one another, and I have made that my life goal. I love animals, but I think its ridiculous when people care more about animal rights then human rights. I feel bad when I leave food on my plate because I know it could have gone to someone in need. It makes me feel better when I can help other people with their problems. I live in the past and in the future, but rarely the present. I believe in fairy tale romances, and storybook weddings. I have a constant craving for knowledge and hope to pursue all of my desires. I want to travel around the globe and help as many people as possible. since i come from a first world country i feel a responsibility to help those who are impoverished and war stricken in Africa. I have a real connection to that content, and I plan to pursue it.
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