Beatles, The - Lonely heart
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About Beatles, The

British rock/pop group, formed in Liverpool, England during the late 1950s. Signed a recording contract with EMI in 1962.
The lineup (1962-70) comprised John Lennon (vocals, guitar, harmonica, keyboards), Paul McCartney (vocals, bass, guitar, keyboards, percussion), George Harrison (guitar, vocals, sitar), and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals, percussion). In 1961, Stuart Sutcliffe (bass) and Pete Best (drums) were also members.
Following an initial period as a straightforward Mersey-beat group, later recordings saw them experiment with psychedelia, incorporating innovative production techniques involving tape loops and other effects. Despite the group splitting in 1970, their record company has continued to release special products.
Inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame in 1988 (Group). By 2015, all four members were inducted also as individual solo artists.
Name Vars
- \
- Beatles
- Beatlez
- Bitlsi
- De Beatles
- De Bietels
- Die Beatles
- I Beatles
- Les Beatles
- Los Beatles
- Savage Young Beatles
- Silver Beatles
- Teh Beatles
- The Beatals
- The Beatle
- The Beatles = Битлз
- The Beatles Featuring Tony Sheridan
- The Beatles First
- The Beatles On Apple
- The Beatles With Tony Sheridan
- The Beatles!
- The Beatles'
- The Beatos
- The Beattles
- The Betles
- The Fab 4
- The Live Beatles
- The Original Beatles
- The Savage Young Beatles
- The Silver Beatles
- Thg Beales
- Анс. \
- Ансамбль \
- Ансамбль «Битлз»
- Биитлз
- Битлз
- Битлз Вокально-инстр. Ансамбль
- Битлс
- Битълс
- Битьлc
- Бітлз
- Витлз
- Вок. Инстр. Състав Битълс
- Группа \
- Квартет \
- Квартет «Битлс»
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- The Quarrymen
- The Beat Brothers
- Johnny And The Moondogs
- Los Grillos
- The Fab Four
- The Threetles
- Paul McCartney
- John Lennon
- George Harrison
- Richard Starkey
- Pete Best
- Stuart Sutcliffe