Soldiers Of Light by Lost & Found: A Forgotten Gem That Still Shines
Alright, buckle up, rock fans. Let’s talk about Soldiers Of Light, the 1984 album from Lost & Found—a band that probably didn’t get the attention they deserved back in the day. Released under Harpazo! Ministries (yes, a Christian label), this record is a glorious mashup of AOR (that’s Adult Oriented Rock for the uninitiated) and Hard Rock vibes. It’s like if Def Leppard met your youth pastor and decided to jam together.
Now, before you roll your eyes at the idea of “Christian rock,” hear me out. This isn’t some cheesy sermon set to power chords. Nope. These guys knew how to craft hooks sharp enough to cut glass while still keeping things spiritually uplifting. And honestly? The whole package feels surprisingly genuine.
Let’s dive into two standout tracks because ain’t nobody got time to review all twelve songs.
First up, we’ve got “Fight The Fight.” Oh man, this one hits hard right outta the gate with its punchy riffs and fist-pumping energy. It’s basically an anthem for anyone who’s ever felt like life was kicking them around but refused to stay down. Lyrically, it’s all about standing firm in faith, but even if you’re not religious, you can’t help but nod along when they belt out lines like, “We’re soldiers of light!” You know what? Forget church—this should’ve been played in every high school gym during pep rallies. It’s THAT motivational.
Then there’s “I Don’t Wanna Stop Loving You.” Whoa, hold onto your mullets, folks. This track flips the script with its softer side, showing off the band’s knack for heartfelt ballads. Think big choruses, soaring vocals, and just enough cheese to make it feel authentically ‘80s. Sure, the title sounds like something scrawled on the back of a yearbook, but dangit, it works. There’s something oddly comforting about hearing these dudes pour their hearts out over love—both romantic and divine. If you’re anything like me, you’ll find yourself humming this tune hours after listening. Or maybe that’s just my weird brain doing its thing again.
The rest of the album keeps the momentum going with tracks like “Brand New” and “Going Home,” which mix catchy melodies with lyrics steeped in hope and gratitude. Even the slightly cornier moments (cough “Thank You Lord” cough) have a charm that makes them forgivable.
So here’s the kicker: why does an obscure Christian rock album from 1984 matter today? Honestly, it doesn’t… except it kinda does. In a world where modern music often feels soulless or overly polished, albums like Soldiers Of Light remind us of simpler times when bands wore their hearts—and beliefs—on their sleeves without apology. Plus, let’s be real, those guitar solos slap.
Final thought: If aliens ever invade Earth and demand proof that humans could shred AND sing about Jesus at the same time, I’m handing them this album. They’d either leave us alone forever or start headbanging. Either way, win-win.
Rating: 7.5/10 – Not perfect, but definitely worth a spin if you dig retro vibes and don’t mind a little faith sprinkled in with your riffs.