Esma Redžepova Uz Narodni Ansambl Stevo Teodosievski - Abre Babi Sokerdžan


Review by Soporte Wifisafe

Alright, let’s dive into Abre Babi Sokerdžan, the iconic 1961 album by Esma Redžepova with Narodni Ansambl Stevo Teodosievski. This one’s a hidden gem for anyone who digs Romani folk music with soul and grit. Released under Jugoton in Yugoslavia, it’s got that raw, unfiltered vibe you just don’t hear much anymore. First off, gotta talk about “Čaje Šukarije (Lijepo Djevojče).” Man, this track sticks with you. The melody feels like a warm hug from someone you haven’t seen in years. It’s sweet but not too sugary—kinda like your grandma’s advice when she’s trying to be cool. Esma’s voice? Unreal. She belts out these heartfelt lines about beauty and love, and you can’t help but feel like you’re right there at some village gathering, clapping along awkwardly because you don’t know the steps. That accordion riff is killer too—it’s so simple yet packs a punch. You’ll probably catch yourself humming it while doing dishes or something mundane like that. Then there’s “Ciganski Čoček.” Oh man, this one’s wild. It’s got this infectious rhythm that makes you wanna jump up and dance even if you’ve got two left feet. Like seriously, I tried dancing to it once and almost knocked over my coffee table. The energy is bonkers! There’s something about how they layer the strings and percussion—it’s chaotic in the best way possible. Plus, the lyrics are full of life, talking about joy and freedom, which honestly feels refreshing compared to all the sad breakup songs we get nowadays. The whole album has that old-school charm where everything sounds slightly imperfect but way more real. It’s like listening to stories passed down through generations, except instead of sitting around a campfire, you’re vibin’ to Esma’s powerhouse vocals. And yeah, sure, some tracks might blend together after a while, but isn’t that true for most albums? What really gets me thinking though is how timeless this stuff feels. Here we are, decades later, still jamming to tunes made back when black-and-white TVs were cutting-edge tech. Makes you wonder what kind of music people will rediscover in another 60 years, right? Maybe they’ll dig up some random TikTok trend song and call it art. Wouldn’t that be hilarious? Anyway, if you’re into world music or just want something different to spice up your playlist, give Abre Babi Sokerdžan a spin. Just don’t blame me if you start randomly busting moves in public.

Table of Contents


  • MP3 size: 25.2 mb
  • FLAC size: 155.6 mb


Ciganski Čoček
Čaje Šukarije (Lijepo Djevojče)
Abre Babi Sokerdžan (Jao, Tato Šta Uradi)
Bojate Bane Buski


Redzepova Esma - Caje sukarije - (Audio)
Redzepova Esma - Bojate bane buski - (Audio)
Redzepova Esma - Abre babi sokerdzan - (Audio)
Redzepova Esma - Ciganski cocek - (Audio)


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lataa albumi Esma Redžepova Uz Narodni Ansambl Stevo Teodosievski - Abre Babi Sokerdžan
descargar álbum Esma Redžepova Uz Narodni Ansambl Stevo Teodosievski - Abre Babi Sokerdžan
Album herunterladen Esma Redžepova Uz Narodni Ansambl Stevo Teodosievski - Abre Babi Sokerdžan

Catalog Numbers




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  • Vinyl
  • 7"
  • EP


  • Matrix / Runout (Runout A): EPY-3112 A1 JN
  • Matrix / Runout (Runout B): EPY-3112 B JN
  • Other (Rights Society): BIEM

About Esma Redžepova Uz Narodni Ansambl Stevo Teodosievski

Macedonian vocalist, songwriter, and humanitarian of Romani ethnicity. Born August 8, 1943 in Skopje, Macedonia. Died December 11, 2016 in Skopje, Macedonia. Wife of .

Real Name

    • Есма Реџепова-Теодосиевска (Esma Redžepova-Teodosievska)

Name Vars

  • E. Redzepova
  • E. Redžepova
  • E. Redžepova-Teodosievski
  • E. Teodosievski
  • E.Redzepova
  • Esma
  • Esma Recepova
  • Esma Redzepova
  • Esma Redžepova - Teodosievska
  • Esma Redžepova Teodosievska
  • Esma Redžepova Teodosievski
  • Esma Redžepova-Teodosievska
  • Esma Reine Des Tsiganes / The Queen Of The Gypsies
  • Esma Rejepova
  • Esma Ređepova - Teodosievska
  • Esma Ređepova Teodosievska
  • Esma's Band, Next Generation
  • Esme Redzepova
  • Ezma Redžepova
  • Gypsy Esma
  • Redžepova
  • Ređepova
  • Teodosievski Ensemble
  • [a652120]
  • Е. Реџепова
  • Есма
  • Есма Реджепова
  • Есма Реџепова
  • Есма Реџепова Теодосиевска
  • Есма Реџепова-Теодосиевска
  • Есма Т. Реџепова

Interesting fact about Album

Here’s something cool: Back in 1961, a Yugoslav folk legend named Esma Redžepova released an album called *Abre Babi Sokerdžan*. It’s full of Romani-style music, rich with emotion and tradition. One of the tracks, "Čaje Šukarije," which translates to "Beautiful Girl," became a timeless classic. The album was released on Jugoton, a major label at the time. What makes it special? It’s not just music—it’s a cultural snapshot of Roma life and storytelling from that era. And fun fact: Esma became one of the most celebrated voices of her generation, known as the "Queen of Romani Music."


ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΡΕΠΑΝΗΣ - Δάκρυ Δάκρυ 1963
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